General Information
If it is your first time logging into PolicyStat, click the “My Account” link at the top right to review any account information. You will also notice at the top right a link to ‘Tutorials’. Depending on what page you are looking at, clicking this link can provide information on different features and functions that will help you navigate. To start viewing policies from the main screen (after logging in), click the tab labeled ‘Section’. This will allow you to search or list policies under one or more policy sections. Double clicking any section will add it to the search list. After placing a section in the search criteria, click on the ‘Search Policies’ button at the bottom of the page to display policies from this section. To refine your search, you may add a search term, such as “privacy” or “health” (for example), to limit your search further. Also note, if you do not select a section, PolicyStat will perform a search on all policies.
Please look through any policies that might be assigned to you by clicking on the policy name. If you are the owner of a policy, you have the ability to Edit them right in the browser. You can only Edit policies that you have rights to, so if there is a policy or a section you need to be added to, please speak with your supervisor.
The basic functionality above will allow you to login and view policies. If you have determined that a policy requires updating, please speak with your supervisor or with Information Technology staff for further information.
Did you know? DBHDD also utilizes PolicyStat. Be sure you log out before accessing their site, but once you do go to to view or learn more about how DBHDD policies and their policy structure.